Sunday, May 14, 2017

Luna Lake 2A = 2.5 miles

Once we got done exploring after the Thompson Trail, we ate dinner then walked it off with an evening hike at Luna Lake.  We did the short trail because it was going to be getting dark soon and we didn't know how long it would take us to hike the 2.5 miles.
The trail was more like a dirt road.  It was perfect for just a leisurely walk after a big dinner.  I didn't even take my poles.  It was ridiculous easy.  I look forward to doing the longer loop!
This was the only water that we saw during the "hike".  
 That says "Difficult".  We didn't go that way.  We're just walking off dinner.
 Easiest.  It says it was 1 miles to Luna Lake.  We were already at the 2 mile mark here so I think it was only about 1/2 mile back to the truck.
 Heading back to the cabin as the sun set on our bug infested windshield.  We did about 9 miles today!  We slept very well that night!

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